Tutorial video find linux
Find linux definition
I've always been a mainstream computer user. I've never really bothered to find linux definitions or explanations, because I've never really been a linux user. Since I started dating a math and computer geek (in the best and hottest sense of the words), I've indirectly and unintentionally started to find linux definitions. Sometimes from my fiance, sometimes from his friends, and sometimes just from association (you get close to people and you just start to pick up on stuff, yanno).
Find linux exploration
I'm naturally a curious person, so the more I started to find linux information the more curious I got about how exactly it worked and how exactly it differed from the computer technology and software that I had been dealing with my whole life. I started exploring this whole new find linux world that I had kind of accidentally stumbled into. I played around with my fiance's computer, trying to find linux differences for myself (that didn't do a whole lot for me, since I'm kind of lost on computers without my fiance sitting next to me, but hey I tried).
Find linux distraction
I did get distracted a little in my find linux mission, by videos like the one above. Yes, a nice find linux information tutorial is nice and helpful and all, and yes I'm glad that videos about how to find linux stuff is not always just done by and for men, but that shirt/dress thing...really? I tend to easily get distracted from missions like my find linux mission by the little things. Like girls showing off a bit too much for my taste. I've been called a prude, old-fashioned, even annoying. But hey, a girl is entitled to her opinion, right? I mean, if they're entitled to wear whatever they want, I'm entitled to feel however I want about their clothes. But back to our mission: find linux.
Find linux conclusion
Did I find linux? Good question. Umm...let me get back to you on that. All joking aside, I think I am still trying to find linux. I'm one of those lifelong learning types, and I still feel that my mission of find linux is not yet done. I don't know nearly everything there is to know. I feel like I know hardly any of what there is to know. I would like to know more, learn more, find linux more. And perhaps I will. After all, I am going to be married to a computer guy.
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